Our Work

CenLa Baptist Association is a fellowship of over fifty affiliated churches and missions committed to working together to impact Central Louisiana with the gospel of Jesus Christ. All cooperating churches are affiliated with the Louisiana and Southern Baptist Conventions.


Stacy Morgan

Interim Associational Mission Strategist

CenLa Baptist Association

Mrs. Jill Lewis

Administrative Assistant


CenLa Association WMU scholarships.

Go to Resources, then WMU scholarships.  Deadline to apply is April 30th.


Granberry Counseling Centers have two counselors in the Alexandria area:

Orlando Madrid, 318-355-1067

His office is located at Calvary, Alexandria

Mavis Collingsworth, 318-623-1711

Her office is located in the Baptist Building.



Association Office

Physical Address:

1250 MacArthur, Suite 304

Alexandria, LA 71303

(located on the third floor of

the Louisiana Baptist building)


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 311

Alexandria, LA 71309-0311


Monday through Thursday

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

CenLa Opportunities: 

Meet & Greet

with AMS candidate, Kenny Robertson

Tuesday, Feb 18, 6:30-7:30 pm

at the Baptist Building, Memorial room


Wednesday, Feb 19, 12 - 1:00 pm

at the Baptist Building, room 305

(includes lunch)

RSVP to jill@cenlabaptist.org

Executive Board Meeting

(AMS candidate Kenny Robertson will be presented in view of a call.)

February 20, 6:00 pm at His Church

A meal will follow. 

It's Greek to Me

begins March 6 at 6 pm

at Philadelphia/Horseshoe Drive



VBS workshop -- April 10, 6 - 8 pm

at Philadelphia, Deville

(enter through the back of the church)

Please RSVP jill@cenlabaptist.org

Disaster Relief Training

at Philadelphia, Deville

March 28-29 

Find more information and register here: https://louisianabaptists.org/events/2025-disaster-relief-training-deville/







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Our Staff